March 06, 2025
Dear Friend,
Can you relate to Emma?
I mean, do you sometimes feel this way when you look at yourself in the mirror?
How did I get here? I'm just not happy!
I'm frustrated with the way I look and feel.
I'm always out of breath…
I'm always tugging at my clothes…
My belly is HUGE!
I don’t want to be like this anymore.
I want to have the energy to go out… DO things… ENJOY life!
But yeah, with all this weight and aches and pains… I feel trapped in a 70-year old body!
This is NOT who I REALLY am.
If you've ever felt like Emma… then LET ME HELP YOU BE WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
There's no doubt about it. You DESERVE to live the life that YOU want!
And if that first step to the REAL YOU is to lose weight and re-shape your body so that you can have that ENERGY and GLOW to live a happy and healthy life, then you will want to read further.
Because what will be revealed to you today is…
You will literally start to see your body change in the first 7 days.
This method is also a LONG-TERM, SUCCESS-BASED system. Why is that?
It's because this system is based on scientifically proven techniques that have been helping women just like you… KEEP THE LOST WEIGHT OFF FOR GOOD!
Yes, you can finally say so long, goodbye and farewell to weight regain with this system.
And by the way, I know what you're thinking… and the answer is NO.
No, it is not.
However, when it comes to this weight loss system… well, YES!
YES! You will BOOST your metabolic rate dramatically. You'll start to melt body fat in the first 7 days and you'll continue to lose weight… shedding up to one pound every 72 hours!
YES! You will TRANSFORM your body. In just days, you'll be experiencing a slimmer face… a trimmer waist… a flatter belly… a sleeker back… leaner arms and thighs…
Simply put, you'll feel physically re-born!
YES! You will experience a dramatic LIFT in your energy levels and self-confidence.
At this exact moment, you may be a bit skeptical. I completely understand.
These are the same feelings most women experience when I first tell them about this system.
But of course, all of that doubt vanishes when they start to see what you will also see… RESULTS!
Just a few days in and you'l notice that your face is getting slimmer, your thighs are getting thinner, your belly is getting tighter, and your stomach is getting flatter.
Just about now, you're probably thinking… why should I believe you?
Please allow me to introduce myself…
NOTE: 'Hilde vd Berg' is NOT a pen name. This is really my picture. So please do not copy or use this image without permission.
My name’s Hilde van den Berg. I'm a health and fitness professional with more than 15 years' experience.
I'm a certified Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Coach, Weight Loss Consultant, co-owner of a health and fitness center, and creator of… BeFinallyFit
BeFinallyFit or BFF is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step, science-backed weight loss method that has helped thousands of women lose weight at a pace they never thought possible.
And the best part?
You'll lose those fat, pounds, and inches… FOR GOOD.
BeFinallyFit is different mainly because of THREE very important facts that are the keys to YOUR weight loss success.
BFF focuses 100% on FEMALE bodies and weight loss issues.
Hey, no shocker here but we're very different from men. Physically, mentally, biologically, physiologically, 'hormonally'… so why would you adapt a 'generic' weight loss solution?
That just doesn't make sense!
The SIMPLE FACT is this ladies -> You’re different. Your BODY is different. Generic weight loss programs fail you because your female body needs a system designed for women!
BFF focuses on clear, uncomplicated STEP-BY-STEP solutions.
Now, I don't know about you but in MY life, I don't like guesswork. I hate confusion.
My clients come to me extremely frustrated because they normally get ''diet guides'' that say things like…
Seriously, what do these even mean?!?
With BFF you will NOT get confused about what you need to do.
My detailed – YET UNCOMPLICATED – weight loss system is something you can easily fit into your busy life.
BFF focuses on something many other 'gurus' out there do not even dare to discuss: LONG-LASTING RESULTS.
I'll give you the tools you need to lose weight fast… AND keep that weight off for the rest of your life!
Now, I know you're excited to know more about my system, but first, may I ask you this?
Look, I DO NOT want to scare you.
In fact, I want to help you get rid of these real-life, weight-related worries.
So why don't we start your transformation… RIGHT NOW!
Firstly, I want you to LET GO of any frustration you may have about your weight.
Then, I want you to LET GO of every single idea or belief you have right now about weight loss because quite frankly, most of them are NOT helping you with your weight loss efforts at all.
In fact, many of them are useless - or worse - they produce the OPPOSITE effect of weight loss in female bodies.
So from now on, let's just focus on what's RIGHT for you.
Now, please pay careful attention because I'll be sharing with you EXACTLY WHY you've been carrying excess weight and why it's been nearly impossible to transform your body in the past.
I admit, you may find one or two of the following… CONTROVERSIAL.
So, whether the pounds have been piling up continuously over the years…
Or you've been experiencing weight loss and weight regain…
Or just feel plain STUCK with your weight right now…
You're getting buried in a lot of weight loss information and MISinformation.
I can go on and on and on about the TRENDS and FADS that have come and gone in the weight loss industry.
And yes, some of them may actually work but here's the thing…
The UNDISPUTABLE FACT that remains is this…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ''more than 1/3 of U.S. adults have obesity''.
Why is that?
You just DO NOT know where to begin. And believe me STRUCTURE is extremely important if you want to lose weight. You cannot just apply a 'shoot from the hip' approach.
What you need is a step-by-step, female-focused weight loss plan designed to shed pounds!
Also, even though SOME information may be good. It gets totally drowned in the noise and buzz created by the BAD INFORMATION out there.
So if you’ve been FOOLED or even PRESSURED to follow bad diet advice… IT’S OK…
Because what’s important is that NOW… you are on the RIGHT TRACK.
You've been trying an “EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE” type of system.
I'm happy to say that we're actually very lucky to live at a time when there's truly been more EXTENSIVE and RELIABLE research about this weight loss philosophy.
And according to science… the “EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE” system is an over-simplified approach to the complex topic that is weight loss.
For example, the phrase “EAT LESS” indicates that all you need to do is drastically cut the amount of food you're eating right now and you'll miraculously lose weight and be fit and healthy. Right?!?
I cannot even begin to tell you how many clients of mine have come to me complaining about various aches, pains, and just overall SUFFERING because they drastically CUT CALORIES.
One client even said she once woke up feeling like she got “hit by a freight truck”! She was so tired and weak. And what scared her the most… she felt so mentally unfocused.
That does NOT sound fit and healthy at all, does it?
And do you know what's worse?
People who significantly EAT LESS, then stop because they can't handle the hunger anymore… tend to EAT EVEN MORE after their 'diets'.
This is what is known in the industry as dieting-induced weight gain.
So please, DO NOT go on highly restrictive diets.
They are dangerous, unmaintainable and completely unnecessary!
Instead, I'll show you a system that reverses this “EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE” philosophy.
You've been trying a weight loss system that's NOT focused on the female body.
Now, I won't get into ALL the things that make us different from men, because frankly that would take too long 😊
Instead, I'll just mention a FEW BASIC FACTS that directly relate to why weight loss for women should be totally different from men.
ONE: On average, women have 6 to 11% more body fat than men.
And if you think that's a bummer, scientists have discovered that the FEMALE hormone estrogen reduces our ability to burn energy after eating!
TWO: Women have LESS fat-burning tissue (muscle) than men.
Thanks to the MALE hormone testosterone, men have more muscle than women.
And since muscle burns more calories than fat, men have a faster metabolism — up to 10% faster to be exact!
THREE: And this last one is a harsh, cold, brutal fact… women are literally… genetically… more hard-wired to crave pizza, pasta and cupcakes than men.
The reason? It's that time of the month.
Without getting too technical, here's the basic reasoning behind this.
There's a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which scientists believe is responsible for maintaining mood balance.
It's even sometimes called the 'happy hormone'.
Now, just before our 'time of the month', our serotonin levels take a nosedive.
When this happens, we crave carbs because carbs are known to increase serotonin levels.
If you use a conventional approach to weight loss…
It will be nearly impossible to lose the AMOUNT of weight you want to lose.
You want to lose at least 10 pounds?
You'll be lucky to lose 4-5 pounds in conventional diets.
You will NOT burn fat fast.
You want to lose weight in less than a month?
Conventional diets require 3-6 months of your time!
You will most likely experience UNNECESSARY misery and stress.
Conventional diets almost always mean you'll be HANGRY (hungry+angry).
BeFinallyFit fully understands the uniqueness of the female body, and it will help you USE that distinctiveness to HACK your metabolism to effectively lose weight.
Once you know how to make your body and hormones work for you, you'll be amazed at how fast you'll see results.
You've been trying a system that's only focused on SHORT-TERM results.
Clients who have tried 'diets' before find that the pitiful amount of weight they lose almost always comes back; and worse… they gain more.
This is because with these types of programs, you are not burning fat.
What happens is that you're only losing water.
In addition – and this is truly counter-productive to long-term weight loss – you're losing muscle mass!
Losing muscle mass slows down your metabolism! So now you've even harmed your body's natural ability to burn fat 😞
who wants to lose
weight only for a
This is not what you want.
You want to lose weight and keep the weight off… without harming your body and overall health.
BeFinallyFit focuses on TORCHING BODY FAT. And it does this 100% SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY because it applies scientifically proven weight loss principles focused on the female body.
You haven't found an uncomplicated, step-by-step, and structured weight loss system that you can simply apply to your lifestyle.
In my years of experience in the health and fitness industry focusing on women's bodies, hormones, issues, habits and schedules, THIS is truly one of the main reasons women have not been successful in losing weight.
You see, there's so much information out there that you simply don't know what's right and what's wrong.
It also just takes too much time to go over everything!
And most plans out there ask for TOO MANY CHANGES, TOO MANY SACRIFICES, and TOO MANY RESTRICTIONS that are just not doable in the real world.
Now, I know these are just some of the EXACT same thoughts you have if you've ever tried to lose weight before.
And this is why I got together with the best people I know in the industry.
I wanted to share all the REAL-LIFE weight loss success information I have accumulated all these years as a result of directly working with REAL WOMEN of various ages in different weight stages.
Then I wanted to find the most RECENT and most RELIABLE scientific data I can find in the fields of medicine, weight loss and nutrition.
And I wanted to combine these to come up with a complete weight loss system for women that's…
My weight loss system will literally TAKE YOU BY THE HAND and show you exactly what you need to do every single day on the program.
Now, I know that you already understand how the BeFinallyFit system will work for you. But please allow me to show you how it can truly be your new… bff.
BFF utilizes the female body's NATURAL and UNIQUE structure to make it work… not against you… but FOR YOU. By adapting a 28-DAY UNIQUE EATING STRATEGY specifically designed for the female body, your natural hormones will DIRECT your body to release fat and burn that fat for energy.
And when your body is focused on using FAT for energy…
No more RISK of your body breaking down muscle proteins for energy.
And with your muscle mass more or less left intact…
No more RISK of your body slowing down its metabolism levels!
You'll be releasing and burning fat… ALL DAY LONG.
By following my short 28-day unique eating strategy, you will start to melt serious body fat in just 7 days.
And you will build on this fat loss each day, shedding at least one pound every 72 hours.
Yes, what other diet programs accomplish in 2… 3… or even 6 months…
The BFF system achieves… in just
BFF DOES NOT require any pills, shakes, supplements, injections, powders or potions.
In fact, most of the items in my 28-day unique eating strategy are things you can easily find in your local supermarket.
The secret is that I tell you EXACTLY what types of foods are most beneficial for your body. These specific foods will provide nutrients that will COMPLETELY RECALIBRATE your body so that it starts to work towards weight loss.
Also, although science-based, the BFF system is not a dull handbook filled with medical text, graphs, charts, and formulas that give you a headache and make your eyes cross while reading.
I know that you just want an easy-to-follow, step-by-step, detailed plan that you can just apply… NOW.
And that's EXACTLY what you'll get with BFF.
Inflammation is defined as a 'complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants'. If you're overweight and unhealthy, your body is heavily burdened with harmful substances.
These harmful substances cause inflammation, which in turn can lead to even more weight gain, and sickness.
During my 28-day unique eating strategy, your body will RESET and start to heal itself from within. This is one of the reasons why you can achieve long-term results with BFF!
Let's just admit it; we women are complex creatures 😊 Weight loss IS NOT just about food. There are sooooo many factors that contribute to why we gain weight: lack of sleep, stress, work environment, friends, family, home situation, and in many cases, our own lack of self-acceptance and love.
BFF is 100% made for women. And this means I've gone above and beyond just 'what you eat' to help you lose weight for good.
Once you decide that BFF is for you, you'll get direct, immediate access to our BFF Members' Zone, which provides all the assistance you need to lose weight. Here's a snapshot of what’s inside!
BFF Weight Loss for Life starts with a very short, easy-to-understand description of just how UNIQUE the female body is and why ‵conventional diets’ do not result in successful and rapid weight loss.
The guide then provides you with a step-by-step, day-by-day UNIQUE EATING STRATEGY specifically made for the female body. No guesswork! You will know exactly WHAT to eat, HOW MUCH to eat, and WHEN to eat. You’ll even learn about very specific food combinations that will further UNLOCK the female body’s unique and natural ability to burn fat.
BONUS: +25 recipes of meals recommended in the eating plan!
BFF Tighten & Tone (optional) provides SUPER EASY routines to tighten and firm up your body. The routines are NEVER more than 20-minutes, maximum frequency of just 3 times per week!
This handbook is not just a list of activities. You’ll have access to exclusive content of ‵How To’ fitness videos. Each and all are made with this in mind: minimum effort –> maximum results!
BONUS: Super short, super effective, super fat burning routines that last only 10 minutes! I call them the BFF10!
BFF Success Mindset (optional) taps your most powerful resource: your mind. Even now – as you read this – everything rests on the action you DECIDE to take in the next few minutes.
Will you get a copy of BFF now? Are you willing to follow the plan for the next 28 days? Do you really, truly, want to transform your body? The first step is this: DECIDE.
Once you get your hands on this guide, a NEW WAY of thinking – about yourself, food, your body, your health, and your life – is waiting for you.
BFF Sexy Body Maintenance (optional) gives you all the tips and tricks you need to know so that every pound you lose with my system… is gone for good.
As you know by now, it’s a BFF philosophy to be clear and detailed and this handbook is no different. In it you’ll learn how to handle REAL LIFE food-focused scenarios and events. You will get step-by-step tips so that you stay true to that other BFF philosophy:
Regular Price: $37; For You: Free Gift!
BFF ??? (optional) is a 25-page handbook that many find as an excellent accompaniment to the BFF unique eating strategy. (By the way – just to be 100% clear – this is NOT about any drugs, pills, supplements, powders, or potions.)
This handbook is also important because it tackles a subject many in the ‵diet’ and ‵health’ niches get wrong. This is why when people try it; they end up gaining weight instead of losing it. Well… not you!
The following exclusive bonuses are standalone products on their own. They're not just a group of extras. As you go through them, you will find that these are some of the MAJOR KEYS to weight loss… and to a better life in general.
However, because I want to give you even more value, I'm offering these as gifts to you.
Just click the ADD TO CART button below, and you'll get these exclusive offers with BeFinallyFit today.
Studies show that stress directly affects your waistline. As such, it's crucial to know how to handle day-to-day stress.
Learn these super easy, do-able tips so that you can finally get a grip on your stress levels… and your weight.
It's normally $197, but it's yours for free just for making the smart decision to be finally fit starting today!
According to science, the length and quality of your sleep is one of the most underestimated factors that affect your weight.
Find out the natural ways you can sleep better, longer. By doing so, you'll gain the energy you need AND lose weight in the process!
This costs $177 but if you decide on BFF today… it's yours for free.
Studies have shown that keeping a food journal can DOUBLE your chances of succeeding at weight loss.
This food journal makes tracking super easy and simple for you. And it includes daily motivational quotes too!
It's worth $97, but for you… 100% free. It's my gift to you for choosing BFF today!
The total value of the BeFinallyFit system and the above special gifts is $747.
You can get immediate, secure access to EVERYTHING for just $47.
That's a whopping 95% discount for you, just for deciding today.
I gained 22 LBS (10 kilos) over the years and yes, I was probably avoiding seeing people I knew then but I had to attend my best friend’s birthday… so I did. I enter the party and this girl whom I met only once YEARS ago saw me and said… ‵‵Owwwww, you looked better then…’’
I.WAS.P*SSED. I pretended it was all good but I couldn’t wait to leave. Once home – and I hate admitting this – I cried.
It hurt because, well, what can I say… it was true. I DID look better then. I FELT better then too. But what do I do? I’ve tried diets before and I just couldn’t really lose weight no matter how hard I tried, not long term anyway. Argh!
When I first met Hilde - yes, I personally met her - and she told me about this system of hers I was skeptical to be honest. But at that point, what have I really got to lose, right? So, I tried. And then…
To date, I have LOST A TOTAL OF 26.4 LBS (12 kilos)…. And I can’t wait to see that b**ch again! - Sheila H.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
No matter how hard I try I could just not get rid of my big belly. I would get so frustrated not just because of the way my belly would ‵blow up’ even after just a very small meal but also because my belly would feel very hard and I get all uncomfortable. The picture on the left (the ‵before’ one) is not even the biggest my belly’s ever been!
I have a great husband. He always assured me that my size did not matter to him… BUT IT MATTERED TO ME!
Since being on Hilde’s program though I’ve experienced a ‵lightness’ I’ve NEVER felt before. MY BELLY HAS SHRUNK 4 INCHES and I didn’t expect to start to see definition in my abs!
Hilde’s BeFinallyFit system has been everything I needed to finally get the body I’ve always wanted. - Rhea P.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
“All those time wasted with fad diets, ruining my metabolism in the process… had I had BFF in my hands then, I wouldn't have lost so much time trying to lose weight!” – AnnaMarie
“No more just staying indoors and wearing only black!” – KC
“It's hard to explain… I just feel like I can BREATHE now. Life has never been this good!” - Donna
Join BeFinallyFit (BFF), be a weight loss success story yourself, and live your best life yet!
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
In just 28 days from now… this could be YOU!
How much SEXIER, TRIMMER, and FITTER do you think you’ll be by…
April 03, 2025?
Let’s get started!
STEP 1 | Day 1 – CLICK HERE to register for BFF access. |
STEP 2 | Day 1 – Follow BFF’s UNIQUE EATING STRATEGY to burn 1 pound of body fat every 72 hours. |
STEP 3 | Day 28 – DONE! |
If you’re not satisfied for any reason – or for no reason at all – just let me know within 60 days to get a full and prompt refund of every penny you paid.
To being finally fit in more ways than one,
Hilde van den Berg
Ladies, I look forward to hearing from you! Please do let me know about your weight loss success using my BFF system, ok?
Once you’re logged into our 100% secure Member’s Area, you can get in touch with me personally. Can’t wait to hear from you!
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* INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss. Any health, diet or exercise advice on BeFinallyFit is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment. If you think you have any type of medical condition you must seek professional advice even if you believe it may be due to diet, food or exercise. Please consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any diet or exercise program.
All trademarks, products and service are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright 2018 and Beyond - BeFinallyFit - All Rights Reserved
Made Emma's body melt 1 pound of body fat every 72 hours…
And most of all… how Emma has managed to keep the weight off for the past FIVE years!
As a special Thank You for checking out BeFinallyFit decide right now and get
lose weight starting today for just
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