Day 44 – Hip Twister

Hip Twister

Hip Twister


  1. Position yourself into a Low Plank position.
  2. Now twist your body by turning your hips. Left hip towards the floor, right hip upwards. keep your muscles tight during the move.
  3. When your left hip slightly touches the floor, start turning back to the low plank position.
  4. Repeat the move turning the other side.

Progression: Perform the Hip Twister 20 times on each side, alternate the left and right.

Variation: Too hard? Limit the turn of your body. Don’t move your hip all the way down to the floor, but just as far as you can. Turn further as you get stronger.

Do the Hip Twister alternating left and right. Repeat 10x.
Rest for 10s.
Repeat 3x.

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