- Sit down on the floor with your legs extended.
- Bend one leg and place your foot near the knee position of your other leg.
- Now place your hands behind you. Your hands should be facing toward your feet.
- Next, push up your hips upwards until your body is straight. Both legs remain on the floor at this time.
- While in the full reverse plank position, make sure to look up and not towards your feet.
- Now lift your extended leg until about a 30-degree angle with the other upper leg.
- Hold for a few seconds.
- Lower the extended leg back to the floor.
- Repeat for the other side.
Note: This exercise looks a lot like the Reverse Bent Leg Lift. The main variation here is the extension of the lifted leg. That makes the exercise more difficult than having the leg bent.
Progression: Hold the bent leg lift for each leg for up to 10 seconds on each side, alternating sides without lowering your hips.
Variation: Too hard? Limit the lift of your leg. Try increasing it a bit every time to reach the 30-degree angle.