Day 79 – Stability Ball Downward Dog

Stability Ball Downward Dog

Stability Ball Downward Dog

The downward dog is a Yoga move that is quite well known. Add a stability ball to it to bring it to a new level.


  1. First, get in a high plank position with your feet on the stability ball. Check the Stability Ball Alt Leg Lift 2 article to see how to do this.
  2. Now slowly roll the ball towards your hands using your feet.
  3. At the same time, lift your hips to allow for the shortened space between your hands and the ball.
  4. Adjust the position with your feet on the ball to enable it to roll towards you.
  5. Try to move your upper body as close to a vertical position as possible.
  6. Hold for a few seconds, and then move the ball back using your feet until you are in a high plank position on the ball again.
  7. This completes the stability ball downward dog exercise.

Note: Only your toes should be on the ball. The stability ball should not be too soft for this exercise as it will make it harder to roll the ball. Be careful to not move too far, or you will roll over on your head!

Goal: Try to repeat the stability ball downward dog 5 times before moving off the ball.

Variation: If you struggle with the ball movement, you can try moving your hands backward instead. Some people find this easier, but it will demand a bit more upper body strength since you need to carry much of your body weight on each arm while ‘walking’ backward on your hands.

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