Day 54 – Plank Scorpion

Plank Scorpion

Plank Scorpion


  1. Position yourself into a Low Plank position.
  2. Bend your left leg and lift your left foot in the air (aim for a 90-degree angle).
  3. Next, rotate your hips to the left, so your left foot comes closer to the floor again (but don’t let it touch the floor).
  4. Hold for a second, and then move your left foot back to the high position by rotating your hips to the right.
  5. Lower your left foot back to the floor to get into the starting position (low plank).
  6. Switch sides.

Progression: Perform the Plank Scorpion 10 times on each side, alternating sides.

Variation: Too hard? Limit the rotating movement of your hips, so your lower leg does not get all horizontal.

Check out some real scorpion images to compare the silhouette!

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