Day 86 – Stability Ball 3-Point Plank

Stability Ball 3-Point Plank

Stability Ball 3-Point Plank

We have come to the last two of the stability ball exercises. And yes, these are the two most difficult ones. The reason is that the stability ball 3-point plank requires you to be completely in balance on the ball itself. No more touching the floor!


  1. Stand, and place the stability ball in front of you.
  2. Put your hands on the ball.
  3. Next, place your left leg on the ball, with your knee close to your hands. Rest your lower leg on the ball.
  4. Now slowly, lean forward.
  5. Once you start to feel balanced, lift your right leg off the floor. Extend the left until it is completely straight.
  6. Hold the position for as long as you can (up to 10 seconds).
  7. Slowly lower your right leg back onto the floor.
  8. Switch sides.

Note: Be careful when doing the stability ball 3-point plank, it is easy to lose balance and roll off. Start with a softer ball as it makes it easier to keep your balance.

Progression: Perform the Stability Ball 3-point plank as long as you can. The continuous effort that is required to keep your balance is a great exercise for your core muscles.

For the people who doubt the pose was real, here is the original image:

3-point plank on stability ball original

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