Day 71 – Stability Ball Alt Leg Lift

Stability Ball Alt Leg Lift

Stability Ball Alt Leg Lift


  1. Get on your knees on with the stability ball in front of you. Make sure your toes are placed on the mat, and your shoe soles are almost vertical.
  2. Place your hands and forearms on the stability ball, and roll the ball away from you.
  3. Lift your hips until you are leaning on the stability ball with your lower arms, and resting only with your toes on the floor. You are now in a low plank position on the stability ball.
  4. While holding the plank position on the stability ball, slowly lift your left leg off the floor. Raise it until it is about level, or only a little higher.
  5. Hold the leg up for 2 seconds before lowering the leg back onto the floor.
  6. Next, repeat with the right leg. That completes the Stability Ball Plank Alt Leg Lift exercise.

Note: When doing a low plank on a stability ball, the angle of your arms with your body will generally not reach a 90-degree angle. That is fine, the exercise is about the core and your legs. Keeping a balance on the ball is harder if you try to reach a higher angle.

Goal: Aim to do leg lifts in this position 10 times with each leg without resting in between.

Variation: If the Stability Ball Alt Leg Lift exercise is too difficult, limit the height of the leg lift to make it easier.

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