Day 87 – Stability Ball – The Float

Float on stability ball – hands and feet off the ground!

Stability Ball - The Float

This is the very last of the stability ball exercises. The stability ball – the float. A vertical balancing acton the stability ball.


  1. Get into a high plank on the stability ball with your upper legs resting on the ball. See day 78 – Stability Ball Push Up for instructions.
  2. Use your legs to push the ball towards your hands. Slowly transition from resting your upper legs to your lower legs on the ball.
  3. Continue until your arms start touching the ball (while still on the floor). You should be fully on your lower legs now.
  4. Try to find your balance on the ball, and then slowly start lifting your hand off the floor.
  5. Once you are balanced on the ball, extend your upper body until completely vertical.
  6. Hold the position for as long as you can (up to 10 seconds).
  7. Now slowly revert your movements. Lower your upper body and place your hands back onto the floor.
  8. Extend your body and push the ball backwards again.

Note: If reversing the movement is too difficult, simply place your hands on the ball and step off the ball one leg at a time.

Here is a front view of the float:

The Float front view

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