Day 83 – Stability Ball Thread-Through

Stability Ball Thread-Through

Stability Ball Thread-Through

The stability ball thread-through is based on the thread-through from day 30. Adding the ball involves your legs in the exercise as you need to squeeze to keep it in place.


  1. Get into the Stability Ball T-Plank position you learned on day 82.
  2. Lower your arm, and bend it.
  3. Reach as far under your body with the lowered arm as possible. Make sure you do not lose your balance with your legs on the ball.
  4. Hold for 3 seconds.
  5. Move the lowered arm back up and extend it to move back into the T-Plank position.
  6. Switch sides.

Note: Expect to not be able to reach as far below your body as in the normal thread-through exercise. Because of the ball, you cannot rotate your hips as much which limits your reach.

Progression: Perform the Stability Ball Thread-Through 5 times on one side, then switch and do the same on the other side.

Variation: If the exercise is too difficult to start with, you can use a smaller ball (like with the stability ball T-plank).

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