Weight Loss Tips for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER

Weight loss newbie? THESE 5 ‘absolute beginner’ tips are for you.

There are TONS of weight loss tips online for people who are just getting into fitness. However, from my experience, even these ‘newbie tips’ are still way too advanced for people who have never embarked on any fitness routine whatsoever.

So – for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER – the following fitness tips are for you 🙂

5 Weight Loss Tips for Fitness Newbies


1 Start walking. There are so many fitness activities that beginners often ask themselves where to start. Don’t overthink this! The most important thing is to get moving. So start moving… NOW.

2 Drink more water. Today, we consume A LOT of extra calories via the beverages we drink.

3 Start a food journal. If you KNOW what you’re eating… you’ll MIND what you eat.


BeFinallyFit comes with the FREE food journal -> If I Bite It, I Write It! Register with BFF now to get your own free journal!

4 Make some smart food swaps. Don’t make any drastic diet changes. The key is to make a few small adjustments so that you don’t get overwhelmed. Once the small changes you’ve made become a habit, start adding even more food swaps.

5 Find a fitness buddy and/or join a gym class. Don’t make any drastic diet changes. There’s no need to go through your fitness journey alone. It’s much more fun – and yes, it helps you stay true to your fitness routine – if you’re with like-minded people. However, having said this, if you prefer to do things alone at the start, that’s fine too if that’s what works for you.

I’ll leave it at this for now. Really, as an absolute beginner you should simply start with the above. Once you finish with these tips, you’ll be more than ready to take on other changes and activities.