Congrats on making it to day 125! This is currently the last planking variation in our series. Of course, we do not end with the easiest plank. The walking plank on BOSU is an exercise that uses the BOSU with active upper body movement.
- Position yourself into a High Plank on BOSU.
- Lift your right arm and move it next to the BOSU. You are leaning with your left hand on the BOSU ball, and your right hand on the floor.
- Now lift and move your right leg as well. Move it outward and position it on the floor again.
- Next, reverse these actions. Lift your right arm and place it back on the BOSU again next to your left arm. Then lift your right leg and place your right foot next to the left foot again. You are now back in the starting position (high plank on BOSU).
- Now repeat steps 2,3, and 4 on the left side.
- Once you return to the center you have completed the walking plank on BOSU.
Progression: To extend the exercise, you can move both hands off the BOSU ball, before moving back onto the ball. You also move both feet rather than just one leg at a time. Basically, you end up moving from a high plank on BOSU to a high plank on the floor, and back (on both sides, of course).
Goal: Work your way up to doing walking planks on BOSU ten (10) times on each side.
Do a push up in each side position (while leaning with one hand on the BOSU and one on the floor).
Work your way up to repeat 5x on each side.