Day 15 – Side Plank Dips

Side Plank Dips

Side Plank Dips


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Slowly turn to your right side by… (a) turning your left arm to the right, (b) stacking your right leg on top of your left leg, and (c) placing your right hand on your waist.
  4. Ensure that your hips are NOT sagging or lowering to the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your heels to your head.
  5. Now, lower or ‘dip’ your hips to the mat.
  6. Raise your hips again until your body performs a straight line.
  7. Repeat 3x before you turn and switch sides.

Progression: Perform side plank dips on one side 10x before you switch sides. Speed is NOT the point here. Proper form and technique are the key.

Variation: Too hard? Lower or ‘dip’ your hips just a little bit (no need to touch the ground just yet).

Forearm plank for 10 seconds.
Side plank to the right, and dip 10x.
Return to starting position.
Side plank to the left, and dip 10x.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 14 – Side Plank

Side Plank

Side Plank


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Slowly turn to your right side by… (a) turning your left arm to the right, (b) stacking your right leg on top of your left leg, and (c) placing your right hand on your waist.
  4. Ensure that your hips are NOT sagging or lowering to the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your heels to your head.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position. Switch sides.

Progression: Perform alternating side planks as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, return to position, do another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Variation: Too hard? Do this while on High Plank.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously side planking until you’re able to side plank for 10x (5x per side).

Forearm plank for 10 seconds.
Side plank to the right, side plank to the left.
Forearm plank for 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 13 – Dolphin




  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Inhale deeply and on your exhalation, slowly fold your body from the waist until you’re able to see your feet.
  3. Make sure your head is aligned with your spine, and do not let your arms squeeze your head.
  4. Keep this pose for a few breaths and then slowly return to High Plank.

Progression: Perform the dolphin as long/often as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form.

Goal: Work your way up to doing HighPlank-Dolphin-HighPlank for 60 seconds minimum.

While on the dolphin pose, lift your right leg up into the air. Switch legs.
Slowly return to High Plank.
This is one set. Repeat 5x.

Day 12 – Arm Extension

Arm Extension

Arm Extension


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Without breaking the alignment of your body, extend your right arm forward.
  4. Return to position, switch arms.

Progression: Perform arm extensions as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, return to position, do another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously arm extending for 30 seconds minimum.

Low plank for 30 seconds.
Arm extensions for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 11 – Leg Jacks

Leg Jacks

Leg Jacks


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Just like a normal jumping jack… jump your legs out wide and then quickly jump them back together.
  3. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady, and don’t let your booty rise toward the ceiling (proper alignment, alignment, alignment!).

Progression: Perform leg jacks as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, return to position, do another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to doing plank jacks for 30 seconds minimum.

Variation: Want it harder? Do this while on a Low Plank 😊

High plank for 30 seconds.
(High) Plank leg jacks for 15 seconds.
(Low) Plank leg jacks for 15 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 10 – Elbow Lift

Elbow Lift

Elbow Lift


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Find your balance and then, leading with your elbow, slowly lift your right arm as far up as you can. Remember to keep that arm as close to your body as possible as you perform this move.
  3. Lower your right arm back to position.
  4. Switch arms.

Progression: Perform alternating elbow lifts as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, return to position, do another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously elbow lifting for 15 seconds minimum.

High plank for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
Elbow lift for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 9 – Body Saw

Body Saw

Body Saw


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Without breaking the alignment of your body, slide it forward, as if your head is trying to touch something.
  4. Now slide backward as if your ankles are trying to reach something.

Progression: Perform body saws as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, return to position, do another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously body sawing for 15 seconds minimum.

Forearm plank for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
Body saw for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 8 – Pelvic Tuck

Pelvic Tuck

Pelvic Tuck


  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Tighten your core as if you’re holding in your pee, tilting your pelvis slightly forward. Bend your knees slightly to support the ‘tuck’.
  4. Return to position, brace yourself, and tuck again.

Progression: Perform pelvic tucks as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, then another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to continuous pelvic tucking for 15 seconds minimum.

Forearm plank for 15 seconds.
Leg lift for 15 seconds.
Pelvic tuck for 15 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 7 – Outside Toe Tap

Outside Toe Tap

Outside Toe Tap

  1. Position yourself into High Plank.
  2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
  3. Slightly lift your right foot and then tap to the side about 12 inches from your stationary foot.
  4. Return to position, and then tap out with your left foot.

Progression: Perform outside toe taps long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, then another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Variation: Too hard? Do this while on High Plank instead.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously outside toe-tapping for 30 seconds minimum.

High plank for 15 seconds.
Forearm plank for 15 seconds.
Outside toe tap for 15 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.

Day 6 – Bent Leg Lift

Bent Leg Lift

Bent Leg Lift

    1. Position yourself into High Plank.
    2. Lower yourself to Forearm Plank.
    3. Now, bend your right leg (90° angle) and raise it just a little bit higher than the other leg.
    4. Return to position and then switch legs.

Progression: Perform bent leg lifts as long as you can WITHOUT suffering proper form. If you can only do this for 5 secs, no sweat! Just do 5 secs, rest, then another 5 secs, rest, and so on.

Goal: Work your way up to continuously bent leg lifting for 30 seconds minimum.

High plank, for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
Forearm plank w/ bent leg lifts, for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds.
This is one set. Repeat 3x.